Monday, May 18, 2009

Songsmith by Microsoft

A few months ago Microsoft released a new piece of software called Songsmith. You can check it out here and download a free trial. I have downloaded it but haven't really used it yet. The basic idea of the software is that you can put down a beat and then sing over it however you want. The software with it's "amazing" programming can make a music track to go along with your vocal track. The music can be in many different styles too. There is a video on the site as to how it works.
Now many people have downloaded the software and have been taking the vocals out of popular songs and playing the vocals to Songsmith. So your favorite classics are more than covers. It's the original band in the original tempo and style but now with a new musical style put behind it. It's the next evolution of covers. I have assembled some of my favorite Songsmith covers and put them in a Youtube playlist here.
Once I really get into the software I may post some of my impressions of it here and possibly some creations, although that's highly unlikely. No one wants to hear me sing except in Rock Band.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am LAZY!!!

Wow!!! I haven't updated since October. So much has happened during that time. If I wasn't wasting time at work then I would talk all about it. HOPEFULLY I can update VERY SOON. If I had people reading I would make sure I would update. But for now this is a place for me to just talk about what's on my mind. I'll be posting VERY SOON!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

iPod Shuffle Challenge 1 ANSWERS

WARNING: If you haven't already seen my first post from the challenge check it out here: These are the answers.

1. Born to Hand Jive
2. Kaiser Chiefs- Ruby
3. Springsteen- Better Days
4. Led Zeppelin- Achille’s Last Stand
5. Led Zeppelin- Good Times Bad Times
6. Weird Al- Frank’s 2000 Inch TV
7. Chingy- Holidae Inn
8. Weird Al- It’s Still Billy Joel to Me
9. Hoobastank- The Reason
10. Bowling for Soup- 1985
11. Weird Al- Won’t Eat Prunes Again
12. Dr. Evil and Mini Me- Hard Knock Life
13. Jeff Foxworthy- You might be a redneck
14. Queen- We are the Champions
15. The Producers- I Wanna be a Producer
16. Weird Al- Dare to be Stupid
17. Nightmare- Kidnap the Sandy Claws
18. Blue Oyster Cult- Don’t Fear the Reaper (starts with cowbell)
19. Sweeney Todd- No place like London
20. Weird Al- Ricky
21. Jefferson Starship- Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now
22. Dewey Cox- Beautiful Ride
23. Sum 41- Pain for Pleasure
24. The Beatles- Saw Her Standing There
25. Billy Joel- Pianoman
Bonus. Weird Al- Pretty Fly for a Rabbi

*It is WAY too hard to tag each artist/song.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Can anyone remember or ever heard of this...

Kids Incorporated. From what I've gathered on Youtube it's an old show from the 80s where kids performed covers of the most popular songs of the time. Don't confuse it with Kidsongs. At least Kidsongs had talented kids who could sing. And those weren't exactly covers of the most popular songs of the time. Kidsongs is a childhood classic. Kids Incorporated is just plain scary.

I've found 2 Youtube accounts that have some pretty good clips of the show. Actually they have ALOT of clips. Check them out to see what I mean. Look through them. I guarantee they've done a song you love and will therefore have ruined for eternity by this show.

So feel free to share your impressions of what you see and/or memories of the show in the comments.

This is making me want to put together a Kidsongs post. Well let's see. Still working on RB wishlist. Alot more songs keep coming into my head. So expect some great Kidsongs stuff soon.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

iPod Song Shuffle Challenge 1

I put the iPod on shuffle and will give you the first line of the first 25 songs I hear. And I stole this from my brother's friend Kevin Brady.

1. Before I was born late one night
2. Let it never be said, the romance is dead
3. Well my soul checked out missing as I sat listening
4. It was an April morning when they told us we should go
5. In the days of my youth
6. Risin' above the city, blocking out the noonday sun
7. (Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the _____ _____
8. What's the matter with the songs he's singin'
9. I'm not a perfect person
10. Debbie just hit the wall
11. It was just the other day When we went to joe's cafe *(This one is hard so I'm giving 2 lines)12.Take the baseline out:No? You dont have to... BOUNCE WITH IT!!
13. If you owe the taxadermist more than your annual income *(not a song but a good one)
14. I've paid my dues
15. I spend my life accounting with figures and such
16. Put down that chainsaw and listen to me
17. I wanna do it, let's draw straws, Jack said we should work together
18. All our times have come
19. I have sailed the world, beheld its wonders
20. Hey Lucy I'm home! *(exclaimed at beginning, first line would give it away)
21. Looking in your eyes I see a paradise
22. Now that I have lived a lifetime's worth of days
23. The seas have parted
24. Well she was just 17
GIVEAWAY 25. Its nine oclock on a saturday
BONUS. Veren zol fun dir a blintsa

*I had to skip Bad Boys, We Like to Party, Tequila
I plan to do more of these

The answers will come much later. So anyone who reads this please pass it along to friends and post your answers in the comments.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Colbert Comest to Rock Band!!!

Another quick one because nothing else deserves to be near the great Stephen. So no other news will be posted with this one.

Today Stephen and the Colberts hit song Charlene was added to Rock Band as a free download. It's free so all Americans can experience this amazing song. Watch the video after the link

And a video of the man himself for your viewing pleasure:

*embedded video is acting up. will be fixed soon.

It's available on 360 and PS3