Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Greatest Game of All Time

Diablo 3, just announced today. Enough said. Bye.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pokemon Kid

So I discovered this video:

This video is only slightly exaggerated showing what kind of kids come into game stores. Yes I said "only slightly."

But just today I found that he has done other videos. Showing how these kind of kids act. I'll post a link to the Youtube account.

Any of the Pokemon Kid videos are amazing. Watch them all.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

More better know

Another Better Know a Facebook Friend should be going up within a week depending on who I get and how I want to do the interview. OMG!!! As I'm writing this I realized what I'm exactly going to do. YES!!! Expect some great stuff (I guess).

And one of my favorite songs sung in one of my favorite shows to send you off:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Please and WHAT?!?!?! are the magc words

I don't remember Barney being this awesome when I was younger. They could get some new demographics such as college students if they brought back Barney like this:
(Watch the ENTIRE thing. It's worh it)
Unless I type the entire embed then it's not working yet. But take the time and watch it.
Do it or else

Edit: Embedded video, finally!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

On Guitar Hero

So today Guitar Hero: On Tour comes out. I went to the store today and I played it. It was amazing. Watch this instructional video:
(The embedded video is doesn't seem to be working so I'll post the link. Hopefully soon the embed will work and I'll change it)

This video basically explains it all (and will make you hate GH). Go get the game. It's alot better than the video makes it seem.

So next week GH: Aerosmith comes out. Now I will say, I was a huge fan of GH:80s which is hated by many. And most people are against GH:Aerosmith. This video will show you why GH: Aerosmith will be the best GH game:
Enough said!!!

And GH: World Tour (4) comes out in October. You get to play as a full band. I wonder where they got that idea. And there's going to be a pressure sensitive slide board so you can hit notes lower down. While it is more advanced than Rock Band it is the same idea of more buttons. And wireless drums should not be a selling point. Your drum cymbals look like they are going to fall off or break when I hit them. If I can't use my RB instruments then it looks like GH has lost me forever (I will probably end up buying the game anyway, there are some bands I'm dying to play in it). I already like Rock Band's online features and store. GH really needs to get competitive in the online. A song editor is nice but I wouldn't be surprised it RB was working on it already so even though your game might come out a month before RB2 it doesn't mean that they are copying your idea. RB2 would have to have been working on that already. Remember Harmonix are the people who brought us Phase, an awesome iPod game that turned your iPod tracks into GH-like tracks.

That's all for today. I'll try to fix the videos later.

Edit: Embedded videos!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Better Know a Facebook Friend: Steve

So my first Better Know a Facebook Friend piece will by my friend Steve. Steve goes to school with me but more importantly he runs his own blog at
His blog is like 100 times better than mine. He actually has viewers. I am a huge fan of his letters pieces. And his commentary on things is just great. Go check out his blog. You'll end up checking it every day. So I "interviewed" Steve. Here is what he had to say: (questions red, answers blue)

Who do you use in Super Smash Bros?
Meta-Knight, followed by Falco

Favorite amusement park?
Cedar Point

George Bush, great President or greatest President?

Describe yourself in one word?
I believe that it's impossible to describe youself in a single word.

If you were an animal/a can of soup/some other random object, which one would you be?
I'm already a random object, why would I want to become another one?

How do you feel about women's liberation?
I'm happy for all the awesome stuff that happened, like gaining their right to vote.

Do you think we should end women’s suffrage?
Perhaps, they've suffered enough.

How do you respond to authority?
I greet them all the same, with a smile and the finger.

How much do you think you should be paid to write you blog which is clearly superior to this one you are being interviewed on?
How much you got?

If you could have dinner with a famous historical figure, who would it be?
Walt Disney.

A plane crashes on the border between USA and Canada. Where did they bury the survivors?

The Scarecrow got a brain, Tin Man got a heart, Lion got courage, Dorothy got home, what did Toto get?
I think Toto got just what he wanted.

What happened to the first 6 UP's?
They perished in the cola wars between the UPs and the TABs. Let us mourn the loss of the Cntrl & Esc.

Do pilots take crash-courses?
I hope so.

Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?
I've made that mistake before. I can never go back to that Sizzler again.

How do you throw away a garbage can?
I take care of all of mine "Office Space" style.

Why aren't there ever any guilty bystanders?
They know what they did.

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
See previous question.

Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
Not really.

Now that Microsoft is so big, should it be called Macrosoft?
Ha. No, Macrosoft is a little too awkward to say, let alone see it on a paycheck.

Should vegetarians be allowed to eat animal crackers?
I think the reason why they shouldn't is that they'll probably assume that all animals will taste the same, thereby continuing to be vegetarians.

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Depends on which personality was suicidal.

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?
I'd answer that, but I don't care.

What things do you currently have on your blog and what would you like to see?
I have words, some letters, a semi-colon or two, pictures both moving and non, and topics that fall under the description of "geekery." I'd like to see more comments on my blog. Just today I found out that Competitive Eater "Beautiful Brian" Seiken somehow managed to find my blog. So I got that going for me...which is nice.

Do you believe in ghosts? Why do ghosts wear clothes? Do your clothes die when you die? What if someone dies in a shower? Could they become a naked ghost?
I always believed that Casper The Friendly Ghost was the ghost of Richie Rich. It's a sad tale as the now-deceased poor little rich boy is now penniless and attempts to find frienship.

Favorite video game of all time?
It's a tie between Super Mario RPG and Brawl.

Favorite game you’re playing now?
Mario Kart Wii, but I'm currently playing CrossworDS.

Favorite movie?
Spaceballs, such a quotable movie.

If you could remake Star Wars who would you cast in the major parts?
You could replace any character in the prequels with cardboard cutouts of themselves and you'd get the same movie. I'd also cut out Jar Jar completely.

What movie of the next 50 years are you most looking forward to?
Will we even have movies 50 years from now? I bet that's when the Justice League movie will finally be released.

Who has the best chance at bringing their career back, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, or Michael Jackson?
I'd say Amy Winehouse, it was hard to lose a career that she never had.

If you were stuck on a deserted island who would you rather be stuck with of the last four?
That sounds like a threat if you ask me.

Finish these sentences, “I enjoy cocaine because…” “I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons…”
I enjoy cocaine becuase it's a fun thing to do. I enjoy the company of prostitutes because they like to play with my Wii.

Thanks Steve. And everyone should go check out his blog at
He's somebody now!!! (Not because of me)

Stay tuned to the blog for more updates on stuff and more interviews in the future. They may even by videotaped to make it more like Stephen Colbert's segments but nowhere near as funny.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Get Ready

Get ready for a new post. My first installment of Better Know a Facebook Friend. I haven't actually contacted anyone yet so it can be anyone now. But I have a couple people in mind.

Edit: I have my first person picked out and hopefully I get around to actually doing the interview.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Ok so I was surfing around Youtube and discovered this video:

(And I have no idea how to make this blog work so this video may or may not work. The youtube link is

This video makes me remember my hate of the Ewoks. I will go out and even say that I like Jar Jar MORE THAN THE Ewoks. At least Jar Jar wasn't really a major part of the movies (ok, he did propose for emergency powers for Palpatine and that caused all the problems) but he isn't supposed to be a major character. He doesn't have a big effect on his normal actions. He is only important in one scene. And that scene he doesn't make a fool of himself (it was episode 2 where he almost made up for episode 1). The Ewoks on the other hand brought down the Empire with sticks and stones. WHAT!?!?!?!?!? It took everything the Rebellion had to just barely bring down the first Death Star, even the second one. And it took alot of what they had just so hold off the Empire in ESB. Something just doesn't seem right here. I'm not angry at adding a cute cuddly creature to Star Wars. But don't make them the missing piece to stopping the Empire. If anything they should have gotten some Wookies. They fought the good fight in episode 3. And even though this video disagrees with everything I just said THEY ARE WRONG. They are trying to spread Ewok propoganda!!! They are trying to get the Ewoks off the hook for ruining the original trilogy. I will now state my order of fav Star Wars movies.

Episode 4: A New Hope (it's the original, it's not allowed to be anything but 1)
Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back (it is better than the first movie)
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (brings back the fun of the originals)
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (just plain fun, other than Hayden Christensen, Yoda fights!!!)
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi (Ewoks destroy the Empire!?!?!?!?!?)
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (let's forget this one, it is a good prologue though. Just think of the crappy prologues before so many books. This movie is AWESOME as a prologue)


*Billy Dee's appearance in the video does not make up for the blatant propoganda this video is spewing out. Although Billy Dee IS THE MAN!!!
*The Ewok movies are pretty fun though

Edit: Added tags and just watched the video again. I HATE EWOKS!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Better know a...

I'm going to be starting a new ongoing thing on my blog that I just came up with. After about two posts it will fall apart though. I'm going to actually try 2 things.
-My first is my 435 part series, Better Know A District. Yes! I'm going to finish what Stephen Colbert could not. I'm going to be a hero and finish it. And hey Congressmen, I'm not gonna make fun of you cause I'm not a comedian. I just wanna fill the map.
-My second thing is going to be Better Know a Facebook Friend. I will interview one of my facebook friends when I feel like it. It will be fun and probably only work for like 2 segments cause it's going to be WAY too much work for me.
I decided I wanted to do a series after seeing my friend Steve's blog:
He has Things That Start With___ series. I was going to copy it but since I'm still on my Stephen high I came up with this far superior idea. Sorry Steve. Stephen overrides your awesomeness of a blog.
So stay tuned. Because soon we will have my second idea up. I mean VERY SOON. I'll probably force one of my friends to be interviewed or else I'll kill them. And if there are any Congress people out there looking for an interview (I know you love the limelight) contact me!

My "picture"

I can't find a profile section anywhere so I'm posting "my picture of myself" here.

My first post

So I'm writing my first post. It's not like anyone is going to read this anyway but here it goes. I'm going to make this quick because I don't have much to say at the moment since it's my first post. So I think I'm supposed to introduce the blog and stuff like that. So here is my blog. It's for my friends and friends of friends and eventually the whole world to just enjoy. I'm going to steal ideas from other people so get over it. So I think this is it. I'm not going to get into the fun until my next post. I might just take the alphabet idea. Just seems like a lot of work.